Solusi Pertanian Berkelanjutan untuk Indonesia

Membangun ekosistem pertanian demi kedaulatan pangan yang lebih baik.

Inovasi Pertanian

Menciptakan teknologi untuk pertanian yang efisien.

Dukungan untuk petani lokal dan berkelanjutan.

Pengembangan produk pertanian yang ramah lingkungan.

Dukungan Petani
Edukasi Pertanian

Tentang Kami

Kami adalah korporasi pertanian pertama di Indonesia yang membangun solusi terintegrasi untuk menciptakan ekosistem pertanian berkelanjutan demi mencapai kedaulatan pangan.

Three people are working together in a field, using hoes to cultivate the soil. They are dressed in colorful traditional clothing, and the field is lush with green plants sprouting from the dark soil. Trees and more agricultural land can be seen in the background.
Three people are working together in a field, using hoes to cultivate the soil. They are dressed in colorful traditional clothing, and the field is lush with green plants sprouting from the dark soil. Trees and more agricultural land can be seen in the background.
Solusi Pertanian Terintegrasi



Solusi Pertanian Berkelanjutan

Kami membangun ekosistem pertanian yang terintegrasi untuk mencapai kedaulatan pangan di Indonesia.

Inovasi Pertanian Terintegrasi

Menciptakan solusi inovatif untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan keberlanjutan dalam sektor pertanian.

A group of six people are working together on a patch of land, engaging in agricultural activities. They are dressed in various colors with some donning traditional hats. The background consists of dense green foliage and trees, with a marshy area or river behind the workers. The scene suggests a rural setting with natural surroundings.
A group of six people are working together on a patch of land, engaging in agricultural activities. They are dressed in various colors with some donning traditional hats. The background consists of dense green foliage and trees, with a marshy area or river behind the workers. The scene suggests a rural setting with natural surroundings.
Dukungan Teknologi Pertanian

Memberikan akses teknologi modern untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan hasil pertanian yang lebih baik.

Kami berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan pertanian yang sehat dan berkelanjutan bagi generasi mendatang.

Edukasi dan Pelatihan
An aerial view of a lush green landscape featuring dense clusters of palm trees surrounding a structured garden area with various sections of cultivated soil. There are greenhouses and scattered buildings among the trees, indicating an organized agricultural or permaculture operation.
An aerial view of a lush green landscape featuring dense clusters of palm trees surrounding a structured garden area with various sections of cultivated soil. There are greenhouses and scattered buildings among the trees, indicating an organized agricultural or permaculture operation.
Several people are engaged in agricultural activities in a lush, green setting. A woman, with a baby strapped to her back, appears to be pointing or reaching out, while others around her tend to the plants.
Several people are engaged in agricultural activities in a lush, green setting. A woman, with a baby strapped to her back, appears to be pointing or reaching out, while others around her tend to the plants.

Proyek Pertanian

Membangun ekosistem pertanian berkelanjutan untuk kedaulatan pangan.

A lush green landscape with multiple rows of crops growing in a field. Tall trees and plants surround the perimeter, and the bright foliage suggests a healthy agricultural area.
A lush green landscape with multiple rows of crops growing in a field. Tall trees and plants surround the perimeter, and the bright foliage suggests a healthy agricultural area.
Inovasi Pertanian

Solusi teknologi untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian secara berkelanjutan.

An expansive view of terraced agricultural fields covered with rows of crops. The landscape features lush green vegetation, with scattered trees and a backdrop of rolling hills. The soil between the rows has a reddish-brown hue, and the fields are organized in horizontal lines, showcasing careful cultivation.
An expansive view of terraced agricultural fields covered with rows of crops. The landscape features lush green vegetation, with scattered trees and a backdrop of rolling hills. The soil between the rows has a reddish-brown hue, and the fields are organized in horizontal lines, showcasing careful cultivation.
Kemitraan Strategis

Berkolaborasi dengan petani untuk menciptakan solusi efektif.

Three individuals are standing on terraced farmland with stone walls and vertical wooden supports for plants. The landscape is lush with greenery, scattered trees, and a small shed.
Three individuals are standing on terraced farmland with stone walls and vertical wooden supports for plants. The landscape is lush with greenery, scattered trees, and a small shed.
A lush agricultural landscape with rows of green leafy vegetables growing in the foreground. In the midground, a small wooden shed is surrounded by poles, possibly used for supporting plants. Background features rolling hills and dense green forests under a blue sky with some cloud cover.
A lush agricultural landscape with rows of green leafy vegetables growing in the foreground. In the midground, a small wooden shed is surrounded by poles, possibly used for supporting plants. Background features rolling hills and dense green forests under a blue sky with some cloud cover.
Sistem Irigasi

Menerapkan teknologi irigasi untuk efisiensi penggunaan air.

Pelatihan Petani

Memberikan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan.

Solusi pertanian yang inovatif dan berkelanjutan. Terbentuknya Korporasi Petani, Sehingga tercapainya kedaulatan pangan dengan cara yang terintegrasi dan efisien.

Kusmanto Setyo Budi

A lush green farm with neatly arranged rows of plants supported by wooden stakes and netting. In the background, tall palm trees rise against a partly cloudy sky, creating a serene agricultural landscape.
A lush green farm with neatly arranged rows of plants supported by wooden stakes and netting. In the background, tall palm trees rise against a partly cloudy sky, creating a serene agricultural landscape.
